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講演者:Prof. Enrico Vigezzi  (INFN Milano)
1月30日(水) 16:30-17:40
I will review some manifestations of pairing correlations, which play a crucial role in the spectroscopic properties of atomic nuclei. I will then discuss some aspects of the theory of nuclear superfluidity, focusing on the renormalization of the bare pairing interaction by many-body effects, that can be studied on the basis of particle-vibration coupling, in particular concerning the interaction induced by the exchange of collective vibrations. I will then focus on the inner crust of neutron stars, which, according to our present understanding, should be formed by a lattice of superfluid nuclei immersed in a superfluid neutron sea. The rotation of the star should induce the formation of vortices, which are one of the hallmarks of superfluid systems. I will discuss the possible influence of shell effects on vortex structure and some attempts to calculate the vortex-nucleus interaction as well as the so called pinning energy.
"Hadron Interactions from Lattice QCD - Theory Meets Experiments -"
講師名 初田 哲男 氏  (理化学研究所 数理創造プログラム)
1月11日(木) 16:30-17:40
Recent progress in lattice QCD simulations close to the physical pion mass opens the door for quantitative studies of poorly understood hadron-hadron interactions with strangeness at low energies. It also allows comparison with femtoscopic studies in pp, pA, and AA collisions at RHIC and LHC. After an overview of the basic theoretical concepts of the HAL QCD method for extracting hadronic interactions from lattice QCD, an interplay between theoretical and experimental studies will be presented, with Lambda-Lambda, N-Xi, N-Omega, Omega-Omega, N-phi and D-D* interactions as examples. The ongoing program of physical point lattice QCD simulations using RIKEN's 440 PFlops supercomputer FUGAKI will also be mentioned.
講師名 兵藤哲雄 氏   (東京都立大学)
12月15日(金) 14:40-16:00
"How baryons appear in low-energy QCD:Domain-wall Skyrmion phase in strong magnetic fields"
講師名 西村健太郎 氏   (KEK)
11月8日(水) 13:00-16:00
Low-energy dynamics of QCD can be described by pion degrees of freedom in terms of the chiral perturbation theory (ChPT). A chiral soliton lattice (CSL), an array on solitons, is the ground state due to the chiral anomaly in the presence of a magnetic field larger than a certain critical value at finite density. Here, we show in a model-independent and fully analytic manner (at the leading order of ChPT) that the CSL phase transits to a domain-wall Skyrmion phase when the chemical potential is larger than the critical value \(\mu_{\textrm{c}}=16\pi f_{\pi}^2/(3m_{\pi})\sim 1.03\textrm{GeV}\) with the pion's decay constant \(f_{\pi}\) and mass \(m_{\pi}\), which can be regarded as the nuclear saturation density. There spontaneously appear stable two-dimensional Skyrmions or lumps on a soliton surface, which can be viewed as three-dimensional Skyrmions carrying even baryon numbers from the bulk despite no Skyrme term. They behave as superconducting rings with persistent currents due to a charged pion condensation, and areas of the rings' interiors are quantized. This phase is in scope of future heavy-ion collider experiments.
講師名 本多正純 氏   (京都大学基礎物理学研究所 助教)
7月6日(木)ー7月7日(金) 10:15-17:00
量子計算の場の量子論の数値シミュレーションへの応用について、入門的な解説を行う。まず量子計算の基礎的な部分を解説した後に、量子計算のスピン系のシミュレーションへの応用について議論する。その後連続的場の量子論・および格子上の場の量子論に関する入門的な解説を行い、場の量子論のシミュレーションについて議論する。また、IBM Qiskitを用いた量子シミュレーションの実習も行う。


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