Multi-reference calculations with new regularizable Skyrme
energy density functionals
鷲山 広平 氏 (理化学研究所仁科加速器研究センター) |
12月6日(木曜日) 13:30- |
理学部A棟3階 |
Symmetry restoration and configuration mixing in the generator
coordinate method based on energy density functionals have become widely
used techniques in low-energy nuclear structure. Recently, it has been
pointed out that these techniques are ill-defined for standard Skyrme
functionals, and a regularization procedure has been proposed to remove
spurious contributions from such calculations.
In this talk, we will report the results of regularized multi-reference
energy density functional calculations for Mg isotopes with our new
Skyrme parametrizations. Our method consists of constrained
Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB), particle-number and angular-momentum
projections of each HFB state, and configuration mixing of projected
states by the generator coordinate method. We discuss the spectroscopic
properties of Mg isotopes, particular their isotopic shift and energy
初田 哲男 氏 (理化学研究所主任研究員) |
11月13日(火曜日) 14:40- |
理学部A棟3階 A314 |
量子色力学に基づいた核力を第一原理的に導出する手法とその応用について議論する。さらに、ハイペロン間の相互作用への拡張、 H粒子などのエキゾチックハドロンや中性子星の物理との関連についても述べる。
Smoothing of the energy spectrum
A.T. Kruppa 氏 (Institute of Nuclear Research, Debrecen, Hungary) |
10月19日(金曜日) 13:00- |
理学部B棟2階 B202 |
The eigenvalues of a Hamiltonian is usually searched by expanding the wave function on a given basis. As a result the continuous spectrum is discretized and a finite number of approximate
scattering states are determined. The smooth level density (SLD) of a Hamiltonian is the basic notion of the macroscopic-microscopic method of nuclear mass calculations.
The SLD is usually calculated by the Strutinsky’s procedure. In the lecture three alternative methods for the smoothing are introduced. The SLD is divergent around the
threshold if the basis is increased. Earlier a method was introduced in order to make the SLD convergent. Basically the so called continuum level density is determined. This method is useful not
only in the macroscopic-microscopic mass calculations but the position and width of resonance sates can be calculated. We will consider the (α+n) and (α+p) systems.
The scattering phase shift can be immediately obtained if the complex scaling of the Hamiltonian is carried out. The HFB equation is most frequently solved by basis set expansion.
Here also a discretized continuum appears. Using the notion of the CLD recently we determined quasi-particle resonances of 90Ni. The advantage of the proposed meth
od is that scattering information can be obtained using only bound state type basis.
Role of complex coupling potentials for high-energy heavy-ion scatterings
古本 猛憲 氏 (理化学研究所) |
10月5日(金曜日) 13:00- |
理学部A棟3階 A314 |
Recently, we have constructed the reliable complex nucleus-nucleus potential from the microscopic view point.
In this study, we apply the complex G-matrix interaction to the microscopic coupled channel calculation.
The effect of the complex coupling potential on the elastic and inelastic cross sections is investigated.